The purpose of the Guide is to give Innovators some basic advice on how and when to use the Industrial Property System (patents, trade marks and industrial designs) to optimum effect in the exploitation of their innovations. It covers IPR practice in five countries: UK, France, Iceland, Sweden, and Czech Republic.
The Guide defines innovation as -”the successful exploitation of new ideas”. Whilst there is particular emphasis on the use of patents, topics such as licensing, joint ventures and the use of patent information are covered as well. A section is devoted to suggesting how the innovations emanating from Universities might be protected and exploited.
1. Introduction
2. Is your idea viable?
3. How can you protect your innovation?
• patents
• trade marks
• industrial designs
4. Licensing your innovation
5. Using patents as a source of information
6. Suggested checklist for an agreement in joint R & D ventures
7. Patents and the Universities
The guide was created by a consortium of organisations including the British Library (UKBL), the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic (CZ), the French Patent Office (INPI), the Icelandic Research Council (RANNIS), the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (SPRO), the United Kingdom Patent Office (UKPO), under the management of Technology Enterprise Kent (KET).