Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation Clusters

Strategic Intelligence and Innovative Clusters

STRATINC is an interregional cooperation project aimed to improve the competitiveness of regional businesses. Gathering six European regions, the project uses strategic intelligence methods and tools to identify, monitor and sustain innovative clusters.

The level of access to strategic information to the targeted clusters or clusters to be, is be improved significantly, after defining the common information needs of the targeted sectors, by designing and testing Pilot Strategic Intelligence Platforms (PSIP) in each participating region, with the shared objective of developing and supporting innovation.

The proposed project follows various objectives for improving competitiveness and innovation of industrial clusters and SMEs through information mastering and networking at European level by:

1. Rising awareness in industrial clusters
2. Identifying the strategic information needs of SMEs in different selected industrial sectors
3. Benchmarking existing methods and tools from the Economic intelligence framework
4. Producing a methodological guide book on the different software applications for collection, analysis, sorting out and diffusion of information implementable by clusters and SMEs;
5. Facilitating the investment in the different regions in different adapted tools
6. Favouring the creation of business co-operation activities within the SMEs and clusters

The Partners

* Regional Council of Lorraine Regional Council of Lorraine
Lorraine, France
* OSLO Teknopol IKS OSLO Teknopol IKS
Oslo, Norway
* Regional Development Agency of Murcia Regio Regional Development Agency of Murcia Region
Region de Murcia, Spain
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
* URENIO Research Unit – General Secretariat of Region of Central Macedonia, Greece
* Mancomunidad of North Tenerife Mancomunidad of North Tenerife
Canarias, Spain
