Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation

United States’ National Innovation Initiative

According to the National Innovation Initiative (NII), Innovation will be the single most important factor in determining America’s success through the 21st century. The NII defines innovation as the intersection of invention and insight, leading to the creation of social and economic value.

Under the leadership of a distinguished Principals Committee chaired by Samuel J. Palmisano, chairman and CEO of IBM Corporation, and G. Wayne Clough, president of the Georgia Institute of Technology, the United States’ National Innovation Initiative:

  • Brings together America’s top minds on innovation—from the public and private sectors—and create consensus and a structure for action: leadership from a CEO-level Principals Committee, with the support of an Advisory Committee and 7 Working Groups.
  • Sharpens our understanding of changes in the innovation process and how they can be harnessed for economic growth.
  • Advocates a strategic, actionable agenda to make the United States the most fertile and attractive environment for innovation.

On December 15th, 2004, the Council hosted a National Innovation Summit in Washington, DC to release the NII’s final report, Innovate America: Thriving in a World of Challenge and Change. In this report the National Innovation Initiative recommendations are organized into three broad categories:

The human dimension of innovation, including knowledge creation, education, training and workforce support. Recommendations support a culture of collaboration, a symbiotic relationship between research and commercialization, and lifelong skill development.

The financial dimension of innovation, including R&D investment; support for risk-taking and entrepreneurship; and encouragement of long-term innovation strategies. Recommendations seek to give innovators the resources and incentives to succeed.

The physical and policy structures that support innovators, including networks for information, transportation, healthcare and energy; intellectual property protection; business regulation; and structures for collaboration among innovation stakeholders. Recommendations support a new industry-academia alliance, an innovation infrastructure for the 21st century, a flexible intellectual property regime, strategies to bolster the nation’s manufacturing enterprises, and a national innovation leadership network.
