The book edited by Alan Steventon and Steve Wright (Springer 2006) sets out a vision of intelligent spaces and describes the progress that has been made towards realisation?. Intelligent Spaces (or iSpaces) refer to physical environments in which information and communication technologies and sensor systems disappear as they become embedded into physical objects and the surroundings space in which we live, travel, and work. ICTs being part of the physical space enable real time interaction and communication between humans, built environment and machines, offering advanced problem solving capability as well.
The ultimate vision is that this embedded technology provides us with intelligent and contextually relevant support, augmenting our lives and experience of the physical world in a benign and non-intrusive manner?.
This understanding of ‘intelligent spaces’, relying mainly on ICT and artificial intelligence which is dominant in computer and communication science, differs substantially from the concept of ‘intelligent cities and regions’ in geography and planning. The latter refers to a territorial entity having (1) developed knowledge-intensive activities and clusters; (2) institutionalized routines of social cooperation enabling to acquire and adapt knowledge and know-how; (3) developed information and communication infrastructure and embedded systems for online and real time interaction in learning and knowledge management; and (4) proven ability to innovate, manage and resolve new problems, since the capacities to innovate and manage uncertainty are critical factors for characterizing intelligence.
Contents of the book
– Intelligent Spaces.
– The Socio-Economic Impact of Pervasive Computing.
– No Pervasive Computing without Intelligent Systems. The Supply Chain.
– Care in the Community.
– Pervasive Home Environments.
– Traffimatics.
– Mixed Reality Application in Urban Environments.
– A Sensor Network for Glaciers.
– Cooperation in the Digital Age.
– Maintaining Privacy in Pervasive Computing.
– RFID Security and Privacy.
– Ambient Technology.
– Integrated Sensor Networks for Monitoring the Health and Well-being of Vulnerable Individuals.
– Segmentation and Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects for Intelligent Video Analysis.
– An Attention-based Approach to Content-based Image Retrieval.
– Eye Tracking as a New Interface for Image Retrieval.
– The Implications of Pervasive Computing on Network Design.
– Autonomic Computing for Pervasive ICT.
– Scale-Free Topology for Pervasive Networks.
– NEXUS: Resilient Intelligent Middleware.
– Intelligent Data Analysis for Detecting Behaviour Patterns in iSpaces.
– xAssist: Inferring User Goals form Observed Actions.- Programming iSpaces
Source: www.