This Paper is prepared for the Eurostat Conference, “Knowledge Economy – Challenges for Measurement” that will be held in Luxembourg, December 8-9, 2005 by Carter Bloch in The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, University of Aarhus, Finlandsgade 4, 8200 Aarhus N., Denmark; Tel. (+45) 8942 2398, E-mail:
In the executive summary Carter Bloch is writting the following:
Reflecting both developments in the innovation concept and the changing economic
environment, innovation policy has taken on a broader scope, increasing emphasis on ‘nontechnical’
forms of innovation, market driven innovation, knowledge transfer and firms’
capacity to capture and utilize knowledge. Changes in the recently completed third edition of
the Oslo Manual reflect these developments with the aim of providing data to improve
understanding of innovation and to inform policymaking.
The innovation measurement framework in the new Oslo Manual includes, in addition to
product and process innovations, marketing innovation and organizational innovation.
Marketing innovations are the implementation of new marketing methods involving
significant changes in product design and packaging, product placement, product promotion
or pricing. Organizational innovations are the implementation of new organizational methods
in firms’ business practices, workplace organization or external relations.
Innovation measurement: present and future challenges
Related links:
Documents relevant to the conference “Knowledge Economy – Challenges for measurement” , 8-9 December 2005, Luxembourg