The second national conference on Intelligent Cities, organized by the City of Whittlesea, discussed cases from Australia and overseas. The conference adopted the ‘Smart Community’ point of view, considering broadband infrastructure as an essential public utility. Smart communities position their citizens to prosper in the digital age; they develop business strategy to optimise advanced information and communication; so they become economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.
Main subjects discussed:
– Cities of the future: from scenarios to strategies
– Beyond being wired: new technology as a community enabler
– Intelligent cities, the best of the smartest: the Canadian experience
– Breakthrough eService opportunities: new horizons for business and citizens
-A standard approach to the use of ICT in government
– Planning your broadband network: cable, wireless and other big decisions
– Smart planning for sustainable outcomes: the Aurora case study
– New applications for mobile technology: the best from Australia
– New applications for mobile technology
All conference papers and resources are offered as ZIP file downloads from the Conference website