The Toronto Region Research Alliance is a innovative alliance of regional leaders engaged in transforming the Toronto Region into a world-leading centre for research and research-driven industry
The Toronto Region Research Alliance (TRRA) is a non-profit corporation, established by the Toronto City Summit Alliance in collaboration with public and private organizations involved with research and its commercialization. These include universities and colleges, research hospitals, private research institutes, leading companies, financial institutions, venture capital firms, regional development organizations, and municipal, provincial and federal governments.
The TRRA’s mission is to make the Toronto region a world-leading centre for research and research-intensive industry by:
* Building public and private research capacity
* Enhancing the commercialization of research
* Attracting new research-intensive companies while working to retain and expand those already here.
TRRA’s primary role is to serve as a neutral convenor, facilitator, catalyst and advocate for the region on issues and opportunities related to research capacity, commercialization and the attraction of research-intensive industry and investment.