Urenio Watch Watch: IntelCities Measurement

Smart 21 Communities

The Intelligent Community Forum announced, on November 18, its Smart 21 Communities. The cities selected are now finalists for the Forum’s Top Seven Intelligent Communities of the Year, which is the major award of the ICF. On June 9, 2006, ICF will select one of the Top Seven Communities as Intelligent Community of the Year during its annual “Building the Broadband Economy” conference in New York City. This community will succeed Mitaka, Japan, which was ICF’s 2005 honoree.

The cities selected are:

ASIA: Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Gangnam District, Seoul, Korea; Taipei, Taiwan; Tianjin, China

AUSTRALIA: Melbourne, Victoria

CANADA: Burlington, Ontario; Fredericton, New Brunswick; Nunavut; Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario; Sudbury, Ontario; Waterloo, Ontario

EUROPE: Evora, Portugal; London, U.K.; Manchester, U.K.; Vasteras, Sweden

JAPAN: Ichikawa

USA: Adel, Georgia; Cleveland, Ohio; Monmouth, Illinois; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Spanish Fork, Utah

Source: Intelligent Community Forum