Urenio Watch Watch: Collaborative Innovation

IBM on Collaborative Innovation

IBM hosted a forum promoting the idea that collaboration is essential to achieving the innovation required for competitive advantage. The speakers explored the challenges and opportunities presented by the quest for innovation, how the economics of innovation and collaboration is changing and what companies need to do today to prepare themselves to take advantage of these new market dynamics.

The forum was focusing on the companies’ chief technology officers (CTO). Speakers included analysts, academia, and industry guest speakers from leading companies.

According to IBM, the leading companies in order to meet the pressures of bringing new products to market in today’s global marketplace, are rethinking their approach to research and development. They are collaborating to innovate.

IBM also envisages a change in the meaning of term “IP”. As it is reported in the IBM Collaborative Innovation Home Page:

Traditionally companies rely on the “do it yourself” model to be successful. Success comes from command and control, managing innovation, assets and capabilities. Direction comes from within. In this model, IP means Intellectual Protection.

More and more people are embracing a new model — where they develop symbiotic relationships, create win-win partnerships, and utilize multi-company networks. It’s an evolutionary process starting with buying the best from anywhere, moving to nothing invented here and ultimately, to share assets and expand. In this model, IP means Intellectual Partnering.
