Urenio Watch Watch: Regional Systems of Innovation

Regional Innovation on the Internet

Regional innovation on the Internet is a district of websites dealing with this theme. The representation is based on the MapStan Search (http://search.mapstan.net/).

Regional innovation websites are organized around an axis linking: (1) the IRE network, (2) the VERITE network, (3) URENIO Research Unit, (4) the ERIK network, (5) the RINNO database, (6) Cordis on regional innovation policy, the US Council of Competitiveness, UNIDO and OECD activities.

MapStan is a search engine and cartography discovery tool. It uses the ‘Web Positioning System’ technology to give a map of Internet search.

MapStan Search first runs a ‘standard’ search engine. By analyzing this result and the closest previous ones, it establishes your search map. MapStan Search stores the results of tens of thousands of searches to give you a visual representation based on the habits of Internet users.

The map design is based on a district map, made up of squares and streets. Squares represent sites and are linked by streets that indicate their similarity. When several sites are always linked in the same searches, they are grouped within a single square. In this way, you get a visual synthesis of the proximity between pages.

Streets represent the relationship between the sites that it joins. By moving over it, you identify the searches that explain the presence of that street. The wider the street, the greater number of results that include the sites in the two squares. The shorter the street, the smaller the proportion of results that include sites in the first square but not sites in the second square, and vice versa.

Source: http://search.mapstan.net (search : regional innovation)