The Seoul Metropolitan Government opened “Seoul Oasis,” a portal Web site that allows citizens of Seoul to freely exchange their ideas and suggestions on municipal policies.
The Seoul Oasis site is offering an online space for citizens and city officials as well as experts in various fields of municipal affairs to discuss how ideas and suggestions proposed by the citizens can be implemented into actual policies. Citizens are also able to see how their ideas progress to be policies or programs for the city government through the Seoul Oasis site 24 hours a day.
To promote the Seoul Oasis, the city government is planning to award citizens who propose creative ideas and city officials who contribute to the implementation of those ideas.
Prior to the opening of the Seoul Oasis, the city government opened a web page, in cooperation with one of the most popular portal web sites, to collect various ideas and suggestions on the establishment of the Seoul Oasis site as well as the new municipal administration under the fourth elected Mayor Oh Se-hoon.
Via: Seoul Metropolitan Government Portal