Cohesion Policy and cities: The urban contribution to growth and jobs in the regions, is the latest Communication of the European Commission to the Council and Parliament on urban policy. The document sets out the Strategic Guidelines where it would be appropriate to give a priority to the preparation of Operational programmes for Cohesion Policy for 2007-2013.
This is a main guideline of the EU urban policy for the above period and highlights the need (1) to sustain cities as places that attract investment and jobs, (2) sustain innovation and the knowledge economy, (3) create new jobs, and (4) reduce disparities. The proposals are backed up by statistical data mainly provided by the Urban Audit.
1. Sustainable urban development in European Regional Policy 2007 ‘“ 2013
2. Urban realities: why cities matter
3. Attractive cities
3.1. Accessibility and mobility
3.2. Access to service facilities
3.3. Natural and physical environment
3.4. Culture
4. Supporting innovation, entrepreneurship and the knowledge economy
4.1. Actions for SMEs and micro-enterprises
4.2. Innovation and the knowledge economy promoting growth
5. More and better jobs
5.1. The Paradox of Cities: many jobs, yet high unemployment
5.2. Improving employability by raising levels of educational achievement and training
6. Disparities within cities
6.1. Promoting social inclusion and equal opportunities
6.2. Increased security for citizens
7. Governance
7.1. Cities and regions
7.2. The integrated approach to sustainable urban development
7.3. Citizen participation
7.4. Networks and exchange of experience
8. Financing urban renewal
Download the document: cohesion-policy-and-cities-com_2006_0385_en.pdf