Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation

IJIRD: A new journal on innovation

ijird-first-issue.jpgThe first issue of the International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development (IJIRD) is available from the IJIRD home page (www.inderscience.com/ijird). This issue contains five papers which the reader may download free-of-charge.

  • The system of innovation in Greece: structural asymmetries and policy failure. Nicos Komninos, Achilleas Tsamis
  • Universities as drivers of knowledge-based regional development: a triple helix analysis of Wales. Robert Huggins, Martin Jones, Stevie Upton
  • Supporting high-tech companies reaching the business platform: about the role of training, coaching and networking. Paul Kirwan, Peter Van Der Sijde, Magnus Klofsten
  • Defining the regional innovation strategy for the year 2015: the case of the ITCE clusters in the North of Portugal. Antonio Carrizo Moreira, Luis F. Maia Carneiro, Catarina Selada
  • Measuring firm innovativeness: towards a composite innovation index built on firm innovative posture, propensity and performance attributes. Elias G. Carayannis, Mike Provance

To download a paper, go to the issue, click on the title of the paper, and then download from: Editors Inderscience Publishers – Full Text Access