The 2007 European Innovation Scoreboard Thematic Paper by Arundel A., Kanerva M., Van Cruysen D., and Hollanders H. (2007) Innovation Statistics for the European Service Sector, Pro Inno Europe, shed light to the diverting performance of Greece in the fields of innovation and growth-productivity-profitability. The extremely low overall innovation performance of this county (25 out of 27 EU member states) is in sharp contrast to the innovation performance of the service sector and the Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) in particular. It seems that further research is needed to adapt the innovation measurement methodology to the development trajectory of a country. An overall measurement “One Size Fits All (OSFA)’ model seems rather inadequate to explain the particular relationship of innovation and development.
- Download a slideshow on innovation and development statistics of Greece: innovation-performance-greece-2-nk.pdf
- Download the report: Arundel A., Kanerva M., Van Cruysen D., and Hollanders H. (2007) Innovation Statistics for the European Service Sector, Pro Inno Europe: 2007-innovation_indicators_for_the_european_service_sector.pdf
- See also the paper of A. Chatziparadeisis ‘The R&D Indicators in the Knowledge-Based Economy:
The Research Paradox‘.