Intelligent Nation 2015 (iN2015) is Singapore’s 10 year strategy and master plan to realise the potential of innovation and information society over the next decade. Led by IDA and sector-focused committees, the strategy covers seven key economic sectors of the region and three horizontal areas: (1) Digital media and entertainment;
(2) Education and learning; (3) Financial services; (4) Healthcare and biomedical sciences; (5) Manufacturing and logistics; (6) Tourism, hospitality and retail; (7) Government; (8) Infocomm infrastructure and services; (9) Enterprise development for infocomm companies; and (10) Infocomm manpower development.
In each sector a planning Committee has been set, which in consultation with the public has elaborated the 10-year plan that reaffirms the strategic role of Infocomm as differentiator and enabler of innovation and globalization.
Source: IDA