“The Top Seven Intelligent Communities of 2009” paper, released by the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) offers in-depth profiles of the Top Seven and analyzes the factors that make them models for the development of prosperous, inclusive communities in today’s challenging economic climate. Written by the forum’s executive director, Robert Bell, the paper identifies best practices for using IT to build a sustainable economy, and includes detailed case studies of the top seven communities: Bristol, Va.; Eindhoven, Netherlands; Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada; Issy-les-Moulineaux, France; Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada; Stockholm, Sweden; and Tallinn, Estonia.
The white paper examines the economic and social challenges faced by each community and the mix of strategy, experimentation and execution that has created a sustainable foundation for economic growth. The analysis is based on performance within ICF’s five Intelligent Community Indicators: broadband deployment, the ability to create and sustain a knowledge-based workforce, digital inclusion, innovation, marketing and advocacy. The 2009 Award program also evaluates communities based on their ability to create a “culture of use” that helps citizens and organizations to make broadband applications a part of their daily lives, which increases efficiency, expands their knowledge and improves living standards.
The white paper identifies a number of best practices from the history of the Top Seven that offer examples to other communities seeking growth in a global economic crisis. These range from using existing public and private telecom demand to fund the deployment of broadband, to creating a public-private partnership dedicated to spurring innovation in business and public sector applications. Several of the communities have also found striking ways to build culture of use by involving the young and old, poor and affluent in digital technologies.
All of the communities in ICF’ s Top Seven share common characteristics,
said ICF Executive Director Robert Bell.
They have recognized and benefited from collaboration among the government, business and nonprofit sectors. They have benefited from strong leadership, where an individual or group outlined a clear vision, attracted support throughout the community and executed the programs that deliver on the vision. But this year’ s Top Seven differ from their predecessors in one important way ‘“ their achievements are being viewed in the context of the first global recession since the 1930s. ICF is honored to have the opportunity to learn from them and share their best practices with communities around the world that are looking to make their way in today’ s tough market.
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