Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation Measurement

Measuring the forces of long-term change

To provide a clear, comprehensive, and sustained view of the deep dynamics changing our world, Deloitte LLP’ s Center for the Edge has developed a Shift Index consisting of three indices and 25 metrics designed to make longer-term performance trends more relevant and actionable.

The 2009 Shift Index is a new set of economic indicators built for the digital world. Because it focuses on longer-term, “secular” changes to the business environment, the Shift Index is designed as a complement to the overwhelmingly short-term, cyclical measures that comprise most of today’s economic indices.

The Shift Index tracks 25 metrics in nine categories across three sets of main indicators: Foundations, which set the stage for major change; Flows of resources, such as knowledge, which allow businesses to enhance productivity; and Impacts, which help gauge progress at an economy-wide level. Together these indicators represent phases of transformation in the Big Shift taking place in the global business environment.
