The analysis of the progress achieved in recent years shows that the EU has rightly identified
innovation as a key driver for a prosperous future. However, making the EU a vibrant space
for innovation requires continuous attention and calls for a better exploitation of the potential
of the partnership between the Union and its Member States by taking more focussed and
better coordinated actions at all levels. The aim of this communication is to identify remaining gaps and propose policy orientations on how to fill them. The communication focuses on issues related to:
- Improving innovation framework conditions
- Trigger more and quicker market uptake of innovative products and services
- Building synergies and new public-private partnerships
- Stepping up financial support for research and innovation
- Removing critical bottlenecks in the framework conditions for entrepreneurs
- Enhancing the governance of the EU innovation system
Source: DG Enterprise – Future EU Innovation Policy
The Communication: Community innovation policy in a changing world-com(2009)442final_en