Urenio Watch Watch: Innovative Cities & Regions

Toronto’s Vital Signs 2009 Report

Toronto-Vital-Signs-2009Toronto’ s Vital Signs annual report provides a snapshot of the trends in the city, highlighting progress it should be proud of and challenges that need to be addressed for quality of life. The goals of report include inspiring civic engagement, providing focus for public debate, and guiding donors and stakeholders who want to direct their resources to areas of greatest need.

The Report is compiled from current statistics and special studies which look at eleven different, yet interconnected, issue areas that are critical to the well-being of our city and its residents.

  • Learning
  • Arts and Culture
  • Work
  • Getting Around
  • Getting Started
  • Health and Wellness
  • Environment
  • Housing
  • Safety
  • Gap Between Rich and Poor
  • Leadership, Civic Engagement and Belonging

According to Richard Florida

the 2009 edition of the report finds Toronto to be weathering the Great Reset in relatively good shape with relatively high levels of creativity, innovation, and wealth. But the report also finds that Toronto is becoming more segmented and unaffordable – reflecting the spiky nature of development that affects all global centers.
