The 2009 edition of the European Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS) provides a comparative assessment of innovation performance across the NUTS 2 regions of the European Union and Norway. The report was prepared by Hugo Hollanders (MERIT), Stefano Tarantola (JRC), and Alexander Loschky (JRC).
“With respect to the previous report published in 2006, which used a very limited set of regional indicators, this report offers richer information to regional innovation policymakers, mainly thanks to the availability for the first time, of more comprehensive and detailed, regional Community Innovation Survey (CIS) indicators. As a result, the 2009 Regional Innovation Scoreboard is able to replicate the methodology used at national level in the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS), using 16 of the 29 indicators used in the EIS for 201 Regions across the EU27 and Norway. Changes over time are considered using principally data from 2004 and from 2006.”
Download the report: RIS_2009-Regional_Innovation_Scoreboard