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INNOLAB Study Visit to Greece Thessaloniki: learning from an emerging ecosystem video streaming

On Thursday 28th of February 2013 between 09:00 – 12:00 CET an open event took place in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the title “University, Research and Enterprise collaboration in Thessaloniki”. The event has been broadcasted on the web live. During the event three presentations fostered the discussion.

09.00-10.00 CET: University ‘“ Enterprises collaboration: Presentation of Aristotle University research management system – Discussion at the Centre for Dissemination of Research

10.00-10.30 CET: Innovation policy in University cities: Lessons from the INNOPOLIS project

10.30-11.00 CET: Ecosystems for Valorisation of Academic R&D: Lessons from the INTERVALUE Platform

You can click the following image to watch it.

This event has been taken place during the INNOLAB Study Visit to Greece Thessaloniki from 25.02.2013 – 01.03.201 and financed by the E.C. and the TEMPUS Programme