Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation Measurement

European Innovation Performance 2009

Just published, the European Innovation Scoreboard 2009 includes innovation indicators and trend analysis for the EU27 Member States as well as for Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. 29 indicators are used to benchmark national and regional innovation performance, which are organized into three blocks according an input-processes-output structure.

(1) ENABLERS captures the main drivers of innovation that are external to the firm:

  • Human resources ‘“ measures the availability of high-skilled and educated People, and
  • Finance and support ‘“ measures the availability of finance for innovation projects and the support of governments for innovation activities.

(2) FIRM ACTIVITIES captures innovation efforts that firms undertake recognising the fundamental importance of firms’ activities in the innovation process:

  • Firm investments ‘“ covers a range of different investments firms make in order to generate innovations.
  • Linkages & entrepreneurship ‘“ captures entrepreneurial efforts andcollaboration efforts among innovating firms and also with the public sector.
  • Throughputs ‘“ captures the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) generated as a throughput in the innovation process and Technology Balance of Payments flows.

(3) OUTPUTS captures the outputs of firm activities as:

  • Innovators ‘“ measures the number of firms that have introduced innovations onto the market or within their organisations, covering technological and non technological innovations.
  • Economic effects ‘“ captures the economic success of innovation in employment, exports and sales due to innovation activities.

With respect to these indicators four groups of innovation performance are defined:

Innovation leaders: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Sweden and the UK are the Innovation leaders, with innovation performance well above that the EU27 average and all other countries.

Innovation followers: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Slovenia are the Innovation followers, with innovation performance below those of the Innovation leaders but close to or above that of the EU27 average.

Moderate innovators: Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain are the Moderate innovators, with innovation performance below the EU27 average.

Innovation catching-up countries: Bulgaria, Latvia and Romania have innovation performance well below the EU27 average but are rapidly closing their gap to the average performance level of the EU27.

Regional performance follows the national patterns. The most innovative regions are typically in the most innovative countries. Nearly all the “high innovators” regions are in the group of “Innovation leaders” identified in the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). Similarly all of the “low innovators’ regions are located in countries that have below average performance in the EIS.

Download EIS-2009: EIS 2009 Final report
Source: PRO INNO Europe