Urenio Watch Watch: Innovative Cities & Regions

EUROCITIES Innovation and Cities Discussion Paper

EUROCITIES, a network of major European cities, published a paper that explores and promotes debate on social, public and market innovation as well as the role that cities play in both supporting and doing innovation.

From paper’s introduction

Europe 2020 highlights the central part that innovation has to play in the EU’ s global competiveness and future prosperity. By autumn 2010 the European Commission aims to publish an action plan to create an ‘˜Innovation Union’ . While the innovation debate is understandably preoccupied with technology, research and development, the role of cities in innovation has so far been underplayed. In this discussion paper we explore the concept of innovation beyond technology and markets, we explain both why innovation is an important issue for cities and why cities are important for innovation, and we review EU innovation policy, funding programmes and future initiatives.


  • Introduction
  • What is innovation?
    • A focus on objectives rather than process
    • Why innovation and cities?
    • Innovation actors
    • City ‘innovation roles’
  • Appendix A – European Innovation Policy & Funding
  • Appendix B ‘“ The innovation web

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