Urenio Watch Watch: Digital Cities / Cyber Cities

Digital, Intelligent, Smart Cities: Ten years books

This collection of books from 2000 to 2010 examines the role and contribution of information technologies, the Internet, innovation ecosystems and institutions to the making of the 21st century cities.

Books are presented by chronological order of publication and summaries are by the authors or publishers.


Ishida, T.,  and Isbister, K. (eds) (2000) Digital Cities: Technologies, Experiences, and Future Perspectives, Springer.

On the way towards the Information Society, global networks such as the Internet, together with mobile computing, have made wide-area computing over virtual communities a reality. Digital city projects, with the goal of building platforms to support community networking, are going on worldwide. This is the first book devoted to digital cities. It is based on an international symposium held in Kyoto, Japan, in September 1999. The 34 revised full papers presented were carefully selected for inclusion in the book; they reflect the state of the art in this exciting new field of interdisciplinary research and development. The book is divided into parts on design and analysis, digital city experiments, community network experiments, applications, visualization technologies, mobile technologies, and social interaction and communityware.

Komninos, N. (2002) Intelligent Cities: Innovation, knowledge systems and digital spaces, Taylor and Francis.

At the turn of the century some cities and regions in Europe, Japan and the USA, displayed an exceptional capacity to incubate and develop new knowledge and innovations. The favourable environment for research, technology and innovation created in these areas was not immediately obvious, yet it was of great significance for a development based on knowledge, learning, and innovation. Intelligent Cities focuses on these environments of innovation, and the major models (technopoles, innovating regions, intelligent cities) for creating an environment-supporting technology, innovation, learning, and knowledge-based development. The introduction and the first chapter deal with innovation as an environmental condition, and with the geography and typology of islands of innovation. The next three parts focus on the theoretical paradigms and the planning models of the ‘industrial district’, the innovating region’, and the ‘intelligent city’, which offer three alternative ways to create an environment of innovation.

Graham, S. (ed) (2003) The Cybercities Reader, Routledge.

Brings together a vast range of debates and examples of city changes based on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and illustrates how new media in cities shapes societies, economies and cultures. In gathering together classic and contemporary papers, this volume reveals urban landscapes as simultaneously reflective and constitutive of the digital world, illustrates the powerful ways in which cyberspace is shot through with social categories of class, power, gender, and ethnicity, and renders obsolete artificial dualisms such as on-line and off-line.
Van den Besselaar, P. and Koizumi, S. (eds) (2005) Digital Cities III. Information Technologies for Social Capital: Cross-cultural Perspectives, Springer.

The 25 papers presented together with an introductory overview went through two rounds of reviewing and improvement. They are organized in topical sections on digital cities around the world: case studies; virtual community platforms; knowledge and data modeling for digital cities; participation, design, and monitoring; information and communications technology and social capital.
Aurigi, A. (2005) Making the Digital City: The Early Shaping of Urban Internet Space, Ashgate.

Since the late 1990s, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have been hailed as a potentially revolutionary feature of the planning and management of Western cities. Economic regeneration and place promotion strategies have exploited these new technologies; city management has experimented with electronically distributed services, and participation in public life and democratic decision-making processes can be made more flexible by the use of ICTs. All of these technological initiatives have often been presented and accessed via an urban front-end information site known as ‘digital city’ or ‘city network.’ Illustrated by a range of European case studies, this volume examines the social, political and management issues and potential problems in the establishment of an electronic layer of information and services in cities. The book provides a better understanding of the direction European cities are going towards in the implementation of ICTs in the urban arena.

Laguerre, M. (2006) The Digital City: The American Metropolis and Information Technology, Palgrave Macmillan.

Evolving out of a research project on information technology and society, the book explores the digitization of the American city. Laguerre examines the impact of changes to various sectors of society, brought about by the advent of information technology and the Internet upon daily life in the contemporary American metropolis. The book focuses on actual information technology practices in the Silicon Valley/San Francisco metropolitan area, explaining how those practices are remoulding social relations, global interaction and the workplace environment.

Komninos, N. (2008) Intelligent Cities and Globalisation of Innovation Networks, Routledge.

Intelligent Cities and Globalisation of Innovation Networks combines concepts and theories from the fields of urban development and planning, innovation management, and virtual / intelligent environments. It explains the rise of intelligent cities with respect to the rise of global and participatory innovation ecosystems; opens up a new way for making intelligent environments via the connection of human skills, institutional mechanisms for learning and innovation, and digital spaces operating within a community; and describes a series of platforms for strategic intelligence, technology acquisition, collaborative innovation, and digital promotion that sustain the making of intelligent cities.

Aurigi, A., and De Cindio, F. (2008) Augmented Urban Spaces , Ashgate.

There have been numerous possible scenarios depicted on the impact of the internet on urban spaces. Considering ubiquitous/pervasive computing, mobile, wireless connectivity and the acceptance of the Internet as a non-extraordinary part of our everyday lives mean that physical urban space is augmented, and digital in itself. This poses new problems as well as opportunities to those who have to deal with it.This book explores the intersection and articulation of physical and digital environments and the ways they can extend and reshape a spirit of place. It considers this from three main perspectives: the implications for the public sphere and urban public or semi-public spaces; the implications for community regeneration and empowerment; and, the dilemmas and challenges which the augmentation of space implies for urbanists. Grounded with international real-life case studies, this is an up-to-date, interdisciplinary and holistic overview of the relationships between cities, communities and high technologies.

Bell, R., Jung, J., and Zacharilla, L. (2009) Broadband Economies: Creating the Community of the 21st Century, Intelligent Community Forum Publications.

Broadband Economies tells the story of “Intelligent Communities” around the world that are using broadband and information technology to build local prosperity and social inclusion. Communications has let employers to go global in search of talent, skills and access to markets ‘“ and has introduced global competition between workers and communities. Communities everywhere strive to be places where people can find enough economic opportunity to raise a family and where their children can afford to do the same. Today, broadband and IT are helping 21st Century communities survive and prosper. They enable small companies to be global exporters, ensure that schools can access global resources and increase community involvement online. By boosting economic and social well-being, broadband and IT are reducing the incentives for their young people to flee in search of opportunity ‘“ but only if communities know how to put them to effective use.
Yigitcanlar, T., Velibeyoglu, K. and Baum, S. (2008) Creative urban regions: harnessing urban technologies to support knowledge city initiatives, IGI Global.

This book explores the utilization of urban technology to support knowledge city initiatives, providing scholars and practitioners with fundamental techniques and processes for the successful integration of information technologies and urban production. Converging timely research on a multitude of cutting-edge urban information communication technology issues.
Leach, N. (ed) (2009) Digital Cities AD: Architectural Design, Wiley.

What is the impact of digital technologies on the design and analysis of cities? For the last 15 years, the profound impact of computer-aided techniques on architecture has been well charted. From the use of standard drafting packages to the more experimental use of generative design tools and parametric modelling, digital technologies have come to play a major role in architectural production. But how are they helping architects and designers to operate at the urban scale? And how might they be changing the way in which we perceive and understand our cities? Features some of the world’ s leading experimental practices, such as Zaha Hadid Architects, R&Sie(n), Biothing and Xefirotarch. Takes in exciting emerging practices, such as moh architects, kokkugia and THEVERYMANY, and work by students at some of the most progressive schools, such as the AA, Dessau Institute of Architecture and RMIT.
