Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent / Smart Cities Solutions

Smart mobility, smart energy grids, smart cities!

The presentations from the COST Strategic Workshop on Smart Cities held on 26 and 27 September 2011 are available and include project presentations on smart mobility, urban security and the future of the cities from a Smart Cities perspective.

Speakers from Academia (MIT, University of Coimbra, University of Stockholm, University Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid, Technical University of Milan), industrial laboratories (the IBM research centres from Dublin, New York and Zürich, Telecom Italia and Orange) as well as urban and regional authorities (the cities of Chicago, Dublin and Milan as well as the Regional Planning Institute of Isle de France) focused on the contribution and challenges for Decision Sciences and Technologies to Smart Cities.

Exciting projects on smart mobility, smart energy grids, urban security and the collection and use of information (including privacy issues) were presented and general viewpoints about the future of the cities under a Smart Cities perspective shared.

The focus was on the importance of improving services, utilities management and sustainability within Smart Cities as well as the need to create and design new services as well as invent new ways to use the city. The workshop also addressed the issue of inclusion and highlighted new forms of citizenship Smart Cities may offer.

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The presentations from the COST Strategic Workshop on Smart Cities