Every year IBM predicts the future of technology via the IBM 5 in 5 initiative’“our forecast of five innovations that will help transform aspects of modern life, making the planet smarter, within the next five years. We assess not just the availability of a new technology but also the likelihood of its large-scale adoption. This year’ s predictions:
1. People power will come to life; The power we consume will derive from a. the energy we create ourselves, while walking, bicycling, or moving in any way and b. from renewable recourses, such as ocean energy.
2. We will never need a password again; Passwords will be replaced by biometric data, supported by software. For example, ATMs will recognize our voice and allow us to perform a withdrawal
3. Mind reading will no longer be science fiction; Doctors will use the technology to test brain patterns, most prominently for medical uses and brain disorders
4. The digital divide will cease to exist; mobile technology will facilitate the transmission of information. In 5 years, 80% of the current global population will own a mobile device, even in rural and underdeveloped parts of the world
5. Junk mail will become priority mail; Spam mail will be customized to our personal preferences. Specific News, Sports, Products and Services will targeted at us, or even bought by our smartphone on our account.
You can vote for the coolest prediction.
Source: A Smarter Planet Blog
Personally, I am sceptical. I think that all of the above will become actualities in the future; however, in many more than five years from today. I really do wish technology would indeed become cheap and available to everyone; however, edge technology accounts for a very competitive market, where billions of dollars are spent. It’s hard to believe that 80% of the global population will own a mobile device in 5 years. An even if all these come true, there is the matter of personal data protection. Who wants his mind to be read by anyone? And who is eager to allow his smartphone decide for himself which concert he’ll go to?