Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent / Smart Cities Solutions

Smart Applications for Smart Cities

The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research  published a special issue on Smart Applications for Smart Cities: New Approaches to Innovation. It includes six papers plus the editors introduction. The JTAER is an open access journal and the papers of this special issue are open to download from theJournal’s website (Dec. 2102, Vol. 7, No. 3).

The special issue  has gathered original papers on smart cities, driven by bottom up initiatives of citizens and organizations as innovators rather than by top down visions and plans that ignore the innovative potential of grassroots efforts. The connection between smart environments and bottom-up innovation practices in the framework of cities and urban agglomerations is the main focus of the special issue: how collaboration platforms, embedded systems, open data, and semantic web technologies sustain a new round of innovation driven by the creativity of citizens and the collective intelligence of their collaboration.

Guest Editors’ Introduction
Hans Schaffers, Carlo Ratti and Nicos Komninos

Smart Ideas for Smart Cities: Investigating Crowdsourcing for Generating and Selecting Ideas for ICT Innovation in a City Context
Dimitri Schuurman, Bastiaan Baccarne, Lieven De Marez and Peter Mechant

Do Smart Cities Produce Smart Entrepreneurs
Sabrina Sauer

Location-aware Mobile Services for a Smart City: Design, Implementation and Deployment
Luca Calderoni, Dario Maio and Paolo Palmieri

Virtual Cities in Urban Planning: The Uppsala Case Study
Cristina Videira Lopes and Christer Lindström

Municipal Benefits of Participatory Urban Sensing: A Simulation Approach and Case Validation
Till J. Winkler, Holger Ziekow and Martin Weinberg

Mobile Business and the Smart City: Developing a Business Model Framework to Include Public Design Parameters for Mobile City Services
Nils Walravens


Guest Editors

Prof. Hans Schaffers
Aalto University School of Economics
Centre of Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR)
E-mail: hans.schaffers@aalto.fi

Prof. Carlo Ratti
Senseable City Laboratory
E-mail: ratti@mit.edu

Prof. Nicos Komninos
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Urban and Regional Innovation Research (URENIO)
E-mail: komninos@urenio.org
