Find here four presentations on Smart Cities, which were prepared in the context of the Digital Birmingham programme and presented at the programme’ s Stakeholders Meeting on 26th January.
1. D. Smith, of Global Futures and Foresight, explains the major technological advancements of recent years, and how Social Networks and Artificial Intelligence change economy and urban life. He reports on smart city solutions and their city ‘“ wide integration:
[slideshare id=11386635&doc=davidsmith-smartcities-birmingham-120202083018-phpapp01]
2. M. Barrow, Strategic Director of the Birmingham City Council refers to a Smart, Successful, Sustainable Birmingham. He explains the forward ‘“ looking approach of the city of Birmingham, stresses the importance of connectivity (physical, cultural and digital) and presents a range of hard and soft infrastructure projects that are currently in action in the city:
[slideshare id=11386335&doc=bhamsmartcitymbarrowjan2012-120202081104-phpapp02]
3. D. Bull, Director for Sustainability, Transport and Partnerships of the Birmingham City Council describes the ongoing discussion about the focus of the Digital Birmingham programme, and states the emerging key components of a Smart, Connected city, and how they lead to smart businesses, citizens and infrastructure:
[slideshare id=11386307&doc=davidbullpresentationsmartcity-120202080841-phpapp02]
4. L. Doody, Arup’ s associate on Smart Cities explains what a smart city is and presents the smart city framework in matters of soft and hard infrastructure, continuing to the presentation of three basic steps for the creation of smart cities and implications for stakeholders:
[slideshare id=11386268&doc=arupfinal-120202080511-phpapp02]
D. Smith’ s presentation
M. Barrow’ s presentation
D. Bull’ s presentation
L. Doody’ s presentation