Urenio Watch Watch: Cities

The Guardian to host online discussion on the future of urban environment

The Sustainable Business sector of the major British newspaper, The Guardian, along with the swedish multinational construction and development company Skanska, will host a live online discussion on the future of the urban built environment on Thursday 16 February,  between 2 and 4 p.m. GMT.

The discussion will be open to anyone who registers to comment on the Guardian website, and comments and questions in advance of the discussion are also quite welcome. Everyone who is interested in the future of the urban built environment, green cities, smart cities and sustainable cities is welcome to participate, ask a question, share his/her thoughts or experience or debate with the panel. The discussion will be led by a panel of experts on urban development, sustainable development and smart technologies!

Some of the main questions around which the discussion will take place are: What role will new technology play in the urban environment? How will green spaces be integrated into urban landscapes? How will existing buildings be made more efficient and how will new buildings fit in with old? Will cities be self sufficient and how will they be powered? How will the public, private and third sectors work together?  Will we see an increase in the number of megacities, or would a model of smaller, connected centres be preferable?

So feel free to join the discussion and share your thoughts and experience on the matter!

The original post can be found here.