Urenio Watch Watch: Videos on Intelligent Cities

Video: Thinking Cities

Ericsson’ s latest Networked Society   film deals with one of the biggest societal trends today: urbanization. The documentary ‘Thinking Cities’ explores the challenges and opportunities of urbanization in the Networked Society. Some of the world’ s leading city-thinkers are interviewed for the film, including Geoffrey West, physicist and professor at Santa Fe Institute; Mathieu Lefevre of New Cities Foundation and Carlo Ratti, Director of MIT Senseable City Lab.


“Today, for the first time, our cities are becoming like real-time control systems,’ says Carlo Ratti. “Technology is now becoming natural, atomized, distributed and is radically changing the way we interface with the city. It means that the city, or the buildings, or the objects, are starting to respond to us. To talk back to us.’

Via: TheNextWeb – The Challenges of Urbanization in a Networked Society [Video]