Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities

Smart Cities and the Future Internet in Europe: Special issue JKEC

Just published this special issue of the Journal of Knowledge Economy was prepared in the framework of the FIREBALL FP7-ICT project and comprises seven papers presenting how advanced European cities develop strategies towards becoming “smart cities’, based on many   innovative usages of broadband infrastructures, Internet-based applications, Living Labs and people-driven innovation ecosystems.

These strategies aim to develop new types of innovation ecosystems in urban areas, which are characterized by a high level of citizen involvement in co-creating products and services in all sectors of the economy and society and by the emergence of new forms of collaboration among local governments, research institutes, universities, and companies.

Smart Cities and the Future Internet in Europe
Guest editors: Nicos Komninos and Hans Schaffers
Journal of Knowledge Economy, Online First, February 2012

1. Special Issue on Smart Cities and the Future Internet in Europe
Nicos Komninos, Marc Pallot and Hans Schaffers

2. A Smart City Initiative: the Case of Barcelona
Tuba Bakici, Esteve Almirall and Jonathan Wareham

3. Toward Intelligent Thessaloniki: from an Agglomeration of Apps to Smart Districts
Nicos Komninos and Pan. Tsarchopoulos

4. Urban Regeneration, Digital Development Strategies and the Knowledge Economy: Manchester Case Study
Dave Carter

5. Developing the Helsinki Smart City: The Role of Competitions for Open Data Applications
Hendrik Hielkema and Patrizia Hongisto

6. Urban Smartness: Perspectives Arising in the Periphéria Project
Grazia Concilio, Luciano De Bonis, Jesse Marsh and Ferdinando Trapani

7.   Smart City Reference Model: Assisting Planners to Conceptualize the Building of Smart City Innovation Ecosystems
Sotiris Zygiaris
