In her latest article in Forbes Brenna Sniderman presents a study where more than 1,200 executives in Europe across a range of topics and themes have been surveyed with a purpose of defining innovation personalities. Using a series of questions about their attitudes, beliefs, priorities and behaviors, coupled with a look at the external forces that can either foster ‘“ or desiccate ‘“ an innovative environment, a picture emerged of five key personality types the play a role in the innovation cycle.
Forbes Insights is the custom research division of Forbes Media. According to the research the following five key personalities of Innovators have been identified:
- Movers and Shakers
- Experimenters
- Star Pupils
- Controllers
- Hangers-On
Another interesting thing with this article are the comments so is recommended to spare some time and go through them.
Read the whole article on | Leadership | 3/21/2012 @ 4:31PM |498,964 views