Last Thursday, May 24th 2012, in an overcrowded room Prof. Carlo Ratti, hosted by the Lord Mayor of Thessaloniki and invited by the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry, made a remarkable presentation of “Thessaloniki in Future’.
In the beginning he showed to the audience the work of the Senseable City Lab through its collaboration with cities like Singapore, Copenhagen, Saragossa and others, developing projects that promote people’ s quality of life. Following, was the description of the proposals for Thessaloniki, undertaken by seven post-graduate students of MIT and Harvard University. The students had visited Thessaloniki during March of 2011, in order to explore the city and its identity in cooperation with local architects and engineers. This visit concluded to 7 projects dealing with the via Egnatia axis, creation of an interactive open air museum at the Galerius palace site, highlighting the waterfront with an “urban theatre’ and others that can be find in full description here.
Download the “SENSEable CITY GUIDE TO THESSALONIKI” report.