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Report: The Future of Real-Time Information

Prepared for the United Nations Global Pulse team, PSFK’ s Future of Real-Time Report identifies key trends emerging around the capture and transmission of real-time information streams. Communities and organizations can learn from the themes in PSFK’ s Future of Real-Time report to create new solutions that support the care and well-being of the world’ s population.

According to the report evolving data-rich technologies are providing organizations, governments and businesses with a rapid way to monitor the well-being of communities and individuals without significant infrastructure or spend. For organizations whose success is dependent on the ability to quickly recognize and react to high-risk situations, the proliferation of rapid access to “good enough’ information is proving invaluable.

PSFK has published the following summary presentation for the report:

[slideshare id=6768882&doc=future-of-real-time-1b-110131203209-phpapp02]

More info

PSFK: Future of Real-Time Information