A two-day conference, titled:“IN SEARCH OF INNOVATION ‘“ How can knowledge exchange practices within University City Regions stimulate regional development?’, will take place on 11th & 12th of October 2012, coordinated by the Decentralized Administration of Macedonia – Thrace (DAMT), within the framework of the INTERREG IVC project “INNOPOLIS’.
The Conference will showcase policy practices that promote successful knowledge exchange between universities and business, successful cases of knowledge exchange between universities and enterprises, and tools available to support the exchange of knowledge between universities and business. Furthermore, the results of the INNOPOLIS project will be presented and ways in which the continuous progress of knowledge transfer processes can lead to sustainable performance in innovation will be discussed and debated.
The Conference brings together representatives from institutions & organisations that play key role in the field of knowledge exchange between universities and businesses, including the European Commission (Directorate General Secretariat for Research and Innovation), the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GR), the NESTA agency (UK) and the New Economy Development Fund (GR).
The Conference will include speakers from the following Universities: Aristotle University ofThessalonikiand the National & Kappodistrian University of Athens (GR),Salfordand Bradford Universities (UK), and the Universities of Maastricht (NL), Lodz (PL) and Aalto (FI). Apart from the DAMT and the RCM, the local government will be represented by the region of Lodz (PL), the Urban Facts of the City of Helsinki (FI) and the Manchester City Council (UK). Finally, speakers from local businesses and academic organisations will discuss their experience of university-enterprise cooperation through the presentation of successful knowledge exchange practices.
The Conference is open to the public and the entrance is free. The official language of the conference is English.
Venue: ELECTRA PALACE HOTEL,Thessaloniki
The project INNOPOLIS – “Innovation Policy in University City Regions”.
INNOPOLIS aims to identify regional best policy practices in the field of knowledge exchange between universities & enterprises. The project focuses on university city-regions, (localities with at least three multi-departmental universities and at least 60,000 students) and the potential of those regions in practicing knowledge exchange activities that would be beneficial to local societies and economies. The project is formed through the collaboration between universities and regional authorities in four different cities inEurope(Greater Manchester-UK, Central Macedonia-GR, Helsinki-FI and Lodz-PL).
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and made possible within the INTERREG IVC programme .
For more information on the project, please visit
INNOPOLIS: http://www.knowledgecities.eu
For more information about the conference please visit
LinkedIn Group: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/INNOPOLIS-Final-Conference-IN-SEARCH-4549486?trk=myg_ugrp_ovr