A new startup called Revelstone, offers web-based analytics software that allows both cities and towns to track their operating performance and benchmark with other local governments, reports Ariel Schwartz.
Revelstone’ s software, Compass, lets municipalities track key metrics in a variety of areas, including sanitation, police, fire, and road issues. On the police side of things, for example, that might mean tracking the average response time to 911 calls and the percentage of crimes cleared by arrest.
According to Revelstone COO Mark NelsonThe
Software helps government officials answer three questions: how am I doing today, what could I be doing better, and what can I learn from my peers? That last point is important. In addition to providing municipalities with data analyses of their own performance, Compass also spits out the statistics of similar municipalities everywhere.
Learn more
Co.Exist – A Google Analytics For Local Governments
Via Planetizen