A debate hosted by Intelligence Squared brought together four prominent speakers from the urbanism world to discuss the potential of technologically-enabled cities. The event is chaired by Tony Travers from the London School of Economics.
On March 4th as part of the Switched On series in partnership with Shell, Intelligence Squared brought together four global luminaries to the stage to explain how human ingenuity is transforming city living. Enrique Peñalosa, the former mayor of Bogotá, who has been described as “one of the great public servants of our time’ and views cities as being planned for a purpose’”to create human well-being; Rick Robinson, executive architect for IBM’ s Smarter Cities, which spreads techno-magic from Birmingham to Rio de Janeiro; Sunand Prasad, a “starchitect’ who served on the London Mayor’ s Design Advisory Panel and the UK Government’ s Green Construction Board; and Adam Newton, from Shell’ s world-famous Scenarios Team, which has been future-gazing the emergence of the megalopolis.
More info
Intelligence Squared – Smarter Cities: An Evening of Debate
Via thisbigcity