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IBM infographic displaying some of the metrics behind Smart Cities

Smart-cities-ibm-infographic-metricsCities around the globe are confronted with growing populations, aging infrastructure, reduced budgets, and the challenge of doing more with less. IBM has developed a software portfolio, based on open cloud computing standards, that helps transform city operations to become more efficient.
On one of the latest press release by IBM with the title “New IBM Smarter Cities Software on the Cloud Helps Cities Transform City of Boston, Cambridge, Ontario and Waterfront Toronto Drive Greater Efficiency, Save Taxpayer Dollars’ the following infographic is presented which shows some of the metrics behind Smart cities.
Smart cities ibm infographic

City planning and operations
1 Trillion USD global annual savings could be attained by optimizing public infrastructure Source McKinsey
57 Trillion USD in infrastructure investments will be needed between 2013 -2030 Source McKinsey
Water Management
60% of water allocated for domestic human use goes to urban cities
14 Billion USD in portable water is lost every year because of leaks, theft and unbilled usage. Source: World Bank
Tansportation Analytics
50 Hours of traffic delays per year are incurred on average, by travelers.
30 billion people all over the world travel approximately 30 billion miles per year. By 2050, that figure will grow to 150 billion miles

Source IBM Press release: http://www-03.ibm.com/press/uk/en/pressrelease/42081.wss