Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation Clusters

Research Driven Clusters: e-Training Platform

InnoSeeINNOSEE, a Leonardo Da Vinci project produced an e-learning platform for training on Research Driven Clusters (RDC) which is accessible from the project website.  RDCs training is required in all the stages of cluster development, emergence, set-up, growth, sustainability, and adaptation.

In  the first stage the training is focused mainly on encouraging the open culture of the participating organizations, trust building, idea’“sharing, identification of talents, relationship building. In the next stages, training is based on sustaining an open learning environment, motivating  cluster members, cluster team building, balancing interests, managing intangible assets.

InnoSee assumes that the training needs in RDC vary from the traditional clusters due to the key role of higher education institutions and research centres, their sector focus, typology, aims, openness, and geographical coverage. The identification of RDC management needs and the development of tailor-made training is a new field in cluster management training building upon the existing national and EU training practice (EU Cluster Observatory) enriched with better understanding of the right type of human skills needed.

The training modules produced by the InnoSee project have been defined and developed following a previous process of needs identification with the participation of several stakeholders, including cluster managers from all the regions involved in the project. The aim of the training content was to produce a harmonized set of training material taking into account differences in participating regions, easy to implement,with high usability and transferability to all European audiences.

After extensive filed work for identifying training needs across Europe, the following topics and modules were included on the e-learning course:

  1. Introductory module
  2. RDC Strategic Planning
  3. RDC Project Management
  4. RDC Market Intelligence
  5. RDC Technology Transfer
  6. RDC Open Innovation
  7. RDC International Networking and Cooperation
  8. IPR and Patenting Issues
  9. RDC Innovation Funding

Every module consists of 5 thematic sections, which can be covered in 40-45 minutes each, cases studies, multimedia material, and self assessment questions. The translation of the modules from English into the national languages of the project partners broadens the opportunities for training the local RDC staff.