The Open Data assesses the state of open data around the world, based on peer-reviewed submissions by a global community of open data advocates and experts.
The 2013 Open Data Index is the global reference for the state of open data release by national governments. It provides an independent peer-reviewed assessment of openness in a range of key areas, reflecting the realities of public information release and practice in over 60 countries. The 2013 Open Data Index launches just before the Open Government Partnership summit in London, at a time when governments and civil society meet to make commitments, monitor progress, and plan for greater open government and transparency around the world.
The Open Data Index is a community-based effort initiated and coordinated by the Open Knowledge Foundation with participation from many different groups and individuals.
The Open Data Index does not aim to create a comprehensive list of open data sets around the world for data users; it is a tool with which citizens and civil society can ignite conversations with their governments. The Open Data Index is an indicator of openness across a few carefully selected key information sets, to stimulate debate and action.

Visit the Open Data Index website