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Open Innovation Magazine Winter Issue

Open-Innovation-Winter-2014-SocrataSocrata published the Winter 2014 edition of
Open Innovation magazine. In this issue, the company takes a look back at the most exciting year in open data history, and shares some thoughts on what’ s to come in 2014. As innovators push the open data movement forward, Socrata features their stories, successes, advice, and ideas.

Kevin Merritt, Socrata Founder and CEO summarizes the magazine’s contents:

As part of our look back, we’ ll review the civic hacking events and conferences Socrata had the honor of attending and awards our customers received. Were you part of the National Day of Civic Hacking? We highlight the group that played a central role in its success, Code for America.

Looking more closely at stories from the open data movement, Socrata Director of GovStat Beth Blauer features three government organizations that are bringing more data to their decisions. And, Socrata VP of Worldwide Markets, Erika Smith, gives us a snapshot of how open data is expanding in Europe.

Thanks to the exponential growth of the movement, there are important issues the open data community needs to address. Socrata Director of Open Data Ian Kalin calls for establishing data standards and soon, while longtime thought leader David Eaves reminds us to engage in the debate on how open data will be put to use in organizations around the world. And, you’ ll hear my suggestions for cleaning up the broken federal government procurement process.

For the tech enthusiasts in the group, Socrata’ s Director of Product, Ben McInnis describes how the demands on and uses of open data are evolving quickly towards bigger datasets, faster data movement, and even greater accessibility. Data artist Thomas Levine asks us to consider the benefits of open data metadata analysis. And, Chris Whong, a Socrata Data Solutions Architect and geodata specialist, describes how OpenStreetMap is helping data flow from the citizens of New York back into the city’ s data stores.

Download the 2nd issue of the Open Innovation magazine