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Accenture Technology Vision 2014

Accenture_Technology_Vision_2014The days of innovative, technology-focused start-ups being the only market disrupters and growing faster than their larger, more established competitors may be coming to an end, according to a new report by Accenture, as large enterprises are starting to take advantage of their size, skills and scale to transform into truly digital businesses.

The Accenture Technology Vision 2014 identifies six technology trends that are enabling large enterprises to join those start-ups previously recognized as market disrupters in pushing the boundaries of innovation and taking advantage of digital technologies for competitive advantage. The report finds leading enterprises are pursuing digital strategies that leverage mobility, analytics, and cloud to improve business processes, take advantage of real-time intelligence, expand the boundaries of traditional workforces, and transform the way data is managed and used.

The six IT trends identified as driving the digital power shift are:

  1. Digital-Physical Blur ‘“ Extending intelligence to the edge
  2. From Workforce to Crowdsource ‘“ The rise of the borderless enterprise
  3. Data supply chain ‘“ Changing the way data is handled to put information into broader circulation
  4. Harnessing Hyperscale ‘“ Hardware is back (and never really went away)
  5. Business of Applications ‘“ Software as a core competency in the digital world
  6. Architecting Resilience ‘“ “Built to survive failure’ is the mantra of the non-stop business


We’ re seeing large enterprises ‘“ armed with the resources, scale and drive to reinvent themselves through digital transformation ‘“ reasserting leadership in their markets

said Paul Daugherty, chief technology officer, Accenture.

Leading companies are adopting digital to drive their processes more effectively and transform how they go to market, collaborate with partners, engage with customers, and manage transactions. Digital is rapidly becoming part of the fabric of their operating DNA and they are poised to become the digital power brokers of tomorrow.

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