The British Standards Institution has recently published new guidance to help support UK cities in becoming smarter. Two publicly available specifications documents, Smart cities Vocabulary and Smart city framework, address the standardization gaps in the smart city market by providing a guidance framework and common language.
PAS 180 Smart cities – Vocabulary
Was developed to improve communication and understanding of the smart cities field by providing a tool to ensure developers, designers, manufacturers and clients use a common language when talking about smart cities helping the industry to work more efficiently and effectively. It is the first version of a “smart cities vocabulary’, the beginning of a process to collate the diverse range of terms and expressions used in day-to-day discussions about smart cities. The vocabulary aims to provide an agreed set of working terms to enable practitioners to better share a common understanding.
PAS 181 Smart city framework ‘“ Guide to establishing strategies for smart cities and communities
Was developed to guide decision-makers and assist them to develop, agree and deliver smart city strategies that can transform cities’ ability to meet future challenges and deliver future aspirations.
The framework does not describe a one-size-fits-all model for the future of UK cities. It focusses on the enabling processes by which innovative use of technology and data coupled with organizational change, can help deliver the diverse visions for future UK cities in more efficient, effective and sustainable ways.
More info
- UK takes the lead as first country to develop Smart Cities standards
- Download: Smart cities – Vocabulary
- Download: Smart city framework ‘“ Guide to establishing strategies for smart cities and communities