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Code for America 2013 Annual Report

2013_codeforamericaCode for America team issued its 2013 annual report, highlighting their members civic tech work in cities across the U.S.A. The report summarizes, beautifully, important work aiming to create digital interfaces to government.

In 2013, Code for America tackled a range of community problems by building technology solutions. Fellows gave South Bend residents a say about what happens to properties in the their neighborhood, and provided judges in Lousiville a better insight into population management in the justice system.

Brigades made city budgets easier to understand and put real-time public transit info in the hands of riders. These open source applications are helping make government work better for everyone. Brigades also were a powerful force for spreading and scaling civic tech around the county ‘” redeploying code written by Code for America and others, for their community’s benefit. Civic startups took their products to new cities nationwide.

View the 2013 Annual Report