People all around the world are demanding more openness in government. They are seeking ways for citizens to be able to participate in the decisions that effect them, and for governments to be more transparent, responsive, accountable, and effective. The Open Government Guide highlights practical, measurable, specific and actionable steps that governments can, and are taking across a range of cross-cutting and focused areas.
The Open Government Guide has been developed by the Transparency and Accountability Initiative, with each topic having been developed by an expert organisation, to support government and civil society organisations in their ongoing dialogues to develop, update and implement Open Government Action Plans, particularly as part of the Open Government Partnership. The guide contains a wide range of open government topics and highlights practical, measurable, specific and actionable steps that governments can take depending on their starting point:
- Initial steps – steps that a country can take starting from a relatively low baseline.
- Intermediate steps – actions that countries can take once they have already made moderate progress
- Advanced steps – established best practice demonstrated by the most advance performers
- Innovative steps – new approaches which countries are trying out
For each step the Guide lists relevant standards and guidance, and examples in practice.
- Recommendations ‘“ detailed guidance from expert networks
- Standards and guidance ‘“ key principles, guidance, reports, rankings and tools
- Country examples ‘“ examples in practice from around the world.
Via involve: Open Government Guide: Citizen Engagement & Public Services