Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent / Smart Cities Solutions

Amsterdam City Dashboard

citydashboard_waag_orgThis platform shows you what is going on in Amsterdam at this moment. What is the average speed of traffic in the city? How many cultural events are going on? What are the levels of noise and what are people tweeting about? Answers to these and many other questions are featured and visualized in this dashboard of Amsterdam.

Citizens and (government) agencies create and collect a lot of data, which they are now opening up for reuse more and more. This dashboard makes use of the latest open data from a wide range of municipal services. By using the Linked Data API from the CitySDK project , this City Dashboard becomes easily transferable to other cities using the same interface. The CitySDK Linked Data API also makes information searchable and available on demand, enabling developers to create applications such as this dashboard.


A city consists of many elements, shown on this dashboard as the following domains: transport, environment, statistics, economy, social, cultural & security. For each domain, the actual status is shown, based on blocks of 24 hours. The data is refreshed every 10 seconds. The information is captured in charts, graphs and on a map of the city. Larger dots and darker colors symbolize higher values and vice versa. On the map, you can choose which layers you want to see: from only one domain to interesting combinations and all of them together. Personalize what you are seeing and try to discover the city of Amsterdam on a whole new level.

View Amsterdam City Dashboard