The special issue on Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation in Europe, published by the European Journal of Innovation Management (Vol.17-4), guest editor Mikel Landabaso, contains 6 papers that focus on an important topic in the current debate about the new industrial policy for Europe and also as a successful crisis exit strategy led by public investments in the real economy.
As Mikel Landabaso points out “it only by increasing the long-term productivity of our economies through the enhancement or creation of innovation -friendly environments that we can succeed this effort’. The papers are the fruit of ground-breaking research. Case studies and policy testing by nearly 20 leading academics and policy makers throughout the EU, which highlight main challenges in designing and implementing smart specialisation strategies.
- Research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation in Europe: theory and practice of new innovation policy approaches, by Mikel Landabaso
- Path dependence in policies supporting smart specialisation strategies: insights from the Basque case, by Jesus M. Valdaliso , Edurne Magro , Mikel Navarro , Mari Jose Aranguren , James R Wilson
- Adapting smart specialisation to a micro-economy ‘“ the case of Malta, by Luke Georghiou , Elvira Uyarra , Ramona Saliba Scerri , Nadine Castillo , Jennifer Cassingena Harpe
- Smart specialisation strategies in south Europe during crisis, by Nicos Komninos , Bernard Musyck , Alasdair Iain Reid
- Smart specialisation in the tangled web of European inter-regional trade, by Carlo Gianelle , Xabier Goenaga , Ignacio González Vázquez , Mark Thissen
- From smart specialisation to smart specialisation policy, by Dominique Foray
Source: EJIM, Volume 17 Issue 4