The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation published the Future of Data-Driven Innovation report. This report explores the tremendous growth in data collection, delving into the implications on business and public policy.
How big is Big Data? How can it be used for good? What about privacy? What role should the government play? This report seeks to address these questions and many others.
- Introduction: Defining the Data Movement – By Justin Hienz, Owner of Cogent Writing, LLC.
- Chapter 1: The Data-Driven Economy – By Dr. Joseph Kennedy, President of Kennedy Research, LCC
- Chapter 2: The Great Data Revolution – By Leslie Bradshaw, Managing Partner, Made by Many.
- Chapter 3: The Competitiveness Agenda – By John Raidt, Vice President, Jones Group International.
- Chapter 4: Good Data Public Policies – By Dr. Matthew Harding, economist and assistant professor at Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University.
- Chapter 5: Driving Innovation With Open Data – By Joel Gurin, Director, Open Data 500 Project.
- Chapter 6: Databuse in the Big Data Era – By Benjamin Wittes, Senior Fellow in Governance at the Brookings Institute, and Wells C. Bennett, fellow in the Brookings Institute’s Governance Studies program.
- Five Steps to A Data-Driven Future (Infographic)
- Concluding Thoughts: The Essential Data Ingredient’”Us – By Rich Cooper, Vice President of Emerging Issues and Research, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.