URENIO Research organised a seminar for the academic community on Smart Specialisation. Research and Innovation Strategies of Smart Specialisation (RIS3) are integrated, regional focused agendas for economic development that aim to boost regional productive systems through the identification of comparative advantages and areas of excellence specific for each EU region. The seminar has been held on Monday, 24 November 2014 in the premises of the Research Committee of Aristotle University.
Vice rector of Research of AUTh Prof. Th. Laopoulos saluted the seminar and emphasized the importance of such activities. He pointed out that the seminar is a good example of activities to shape the research agenda of Aristotle University and enhance the participation of the academic community to the participatory Smart Specialisation Strategy for the Region of Central Macedonia.
Mr. Alexandros Thanos, as delegated advisor on European funds and projects in the region of Central Macedonia, addressed the Seminar on behalf of the regional governor Mr. A. Tzitzikostas. Prof. N. Komninos made an introduction to the thematic areas of the seminar and following Dr. D. Kyriakou, lead economist of Joint Research Centre working on Smart Specialisation Platform of the European Commission gave a speech titled “Smart specialisation: the road travelled and the road ahead’. Mr. Mantzanakis, CEO of Emetris SA presented key outcomes of the survey and the consultation process in the region of Central Macedonia (RCM) towards the focus of innovation in RCM. Dr. Y. Tolias managing Partner of Innovatia Systems SA presented “Research priorities of the technological development and innovation about RIS3 in the region of East Macedonia and Thrace (REMTh) and the action plan’.
In the second session Mr. G. Kostaras, from the Intermediary Managing Authority of RCM presented how RIS3 is connected with the 2014-2020 Operational Programme of RCM and Mr. P. Koudoumakis from the Intermediary Managing Authority of REMTh presented how RIS3 is connected with the 2014-2020 Operational Programme of REMTh. Mrs. S. Tsakiri from the AUTh Technology Transfer Office presented how AUTh has been actively involved during the public planning consultation process of RIS3 in RCM.
The last presentation has been given by Dr. A. Argyriou, Researcher in the Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB) at CERTH, with the title of «Biotechnology innovations in Agrofood », describing the potential and opportunities for the development of new or innovative products in the agrofood sector arising by research and technology in bioscience.
The seminar has been concluded with a Q and A section, which gave the opportunity for an exchange of ideas and opinions.
The seminar has been part of the activities of the “Smart Specialisation’ project and has been co-funded and made possible by the INTERREG GR-BG 2007-2013 programme and national resources from Greece and Bulgaria.
The presentations can be found here:
- Prof. N. Komninos – URENIO Research AUTh
- S. Mantzanakis – EMETRIS SA
- Dr. Y. Tolias – INNOVATIA SA
- G. Kostaras – Intermediate Managing Authority RCM
- P. Koudoumakis – Intermediate Managing Authority REMTh
- S. Tsakiri – TTO AUTh
- Dr. A. Argyriou – INAB at CERTH
The agenda can be found here (Only in Greek).
Photos from the seminar