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EU Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2015

DA_scoreboard2015The Digital Agenda Scoreboard reports on the progress of the European Union on digital issues. It includes an in-depth analysis in fields relevant to EU digital policies.

The data is collected in 6 chapters: Connectivity, Human Capital (digital skills), Use of Internet (by citizens), Integration of Digital Technology (by businesses), Digital Public Services, and R&D (including R&D in the ICT sector and participation in Horizon 2020).


The analysis of EU data showed that most of the Digital Agenda targets are already achieved -such as the number of people regularly using internet or the availability of basic broadband. However, some targets are not yet reached ‘“for example, not many SMEs are selling online and there’s too little shopping online from other EU countries. The analysis shows that the Digital Single Market strategy was adopted at the right moment, as it can significantly contribute to resolving pending issues.

The main achievements in EU’s digital performance in the past year include:

  • Significant progress in coverage and subscriptions to fast internet (both fixed and mobile)
  • Achievement of the Digital Agenda eGovernment use targets

The following video provides an overview of findings.

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